Bill's Travel Blog

"The lightning pulls the thunder. The distance pulls the wonder that calls us farther on" ... David Wilcox

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Location: United States


Day Trip To Werfen, Austria

My trip to Werfen was without question the most enjoyable day of the whole vacation. The little town is located a few kilometers south of Salzburg and other than the magnificent mountains, it's main claims to fame are the Eisriesenwelt ice caves and the Hohenwerfen fortress. I decided to forgo the ice caves. I've heard that the tour is popular and recommended, but I get plenty of ice during the Detroit winters!

On the way, I drove through a small town and took a couple of pictures. Don't remember the name of the place, but it definitely has scenic appeal!

Upon arriving at Werfen, I was disappointed to find the whole area covered with fog. But an occasional glimpse of the sun promised better things ahead.

While waiting for the fog to lift, I managed to find a couple of scene locations from the Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood movie "Where Eagles Dare". If you've seen the movie, perhaps you'll recognize the long bridge.

And the train station.

This is the corner of the station they walked around.

Once the fog lifted, the weather and scenery were simply gorgeous as I headed toward the castle.

A dining area in the courtyard.

The sentry's quarters.

On the way down to the Landesfalknerhof.

I knew that there was going to be a falconry show at midday, but assumed that in the meantime the birds were kept in cages. But they were sitting in shelters throughout the grounds. Their legs were tethered to keep them from flying off, although they all came back when they were supposed to during the show.

Mr. Owl didn't seem too happy about being awake in the middle of the day!

Soon the show started and everyone was scrambling to get pictures of these magnificent creatures as they flew by. Every now and then, we would get a lucky shot.

There is more than meets the eye in this picture. You'll need to click on the picture to bring up the larger version. If you look toward the top of the frame, almost directly above the eagle's head, there is a white building on the cliff! Do you see it?

How about now?

There it is! Not exactly a place for sleepwalkers! This is actually the top of the cable car lift that was built in 1955 to help shorten the hike to the ice caves!

Anyway, while we were searching the cliffs, the eagle landed. Guess he's seen it all before.

Back inside the castle, it was lunchtime!

And then a tour of the chapel. Doesn't it seem rather odd to have a severed arm extending from the pulpit? Hmm....

Someone's living quarters (once upon a time)

And perhaps, someone else's living quarters!

Some medieval weapons.

And what self respecting castle wouldn't have a few torture devices hanging around!

And a fire water pump.

Once the castle tour was over ...

It was time to explore the countryside. Doesn't get any better than this! :)


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